
Forecasting and Budgeting:

The role of the Chartered Professional Accountant is to prepare future-oriented financial information (“FOFI”), using the assumptions provided by management. FOFI is known as a financial projection/estimation, which is principally used to access financing for growing businesses and business start-up. All Chartered banks usually require FOFI when presenting a financial proposal.

Budgeting is often forgotten by many owner managers; however, it is a critical tool for outstanding financial, viable and strategic management within a business. A Chartered Professional Accountant is capable in assisting with developing a comprehensive budget for the upcoming fiscal year, to assist in observing and assessing organizational goals, margins and other related costs. Budgeting helps owner managers in making knowledgeable decisions on how much can be spent on the businesses; providing intuition and profitability.

Financing and Reporting Requirements

Financing for your businesses is known to be a time-consuming process, which tends to take time away from managing your business. With our expertise in the field, we are capable of managing, organizing and preparing the required resources necessary when creating your financial proposal for potential lenders, which gives you more time to manage and sustain your business. Also, lenders usually require periodical reporting to ensure compliance with certain covenants. We make sure these reporting requirements are satisfied.

Data Analysis and Benchmarking

As Chartered Professional Accountants, we have the drive and resources required in order to benchmark our business clients with other businesses reaching across North America. Benchmarking is able to give value and insight to our clients as it has the ability to compare and contrast them to their counterparts in the industry when determining margins and costs as sale markers, ranking them from high to low and financial ratios. In relation to the client’s arrangement relative to their peers, we can administer a precise analysis of how your business can improve sale-wise, resulting in an increase in margins and overall improvement of financial ratios.